Friday, May 1, 2009

And the winner of my first giveaway...

...thanks to, which drew #20 as the winner...

Holly at A Mommy's Blessings!
Congratulations! I hope you get a lot of use out of it and enjoy it as we have :-)

Thanks to everyone for participating! It was fun to read your experiences (or not) with babywearing. I believe every mama should try a carrier - whether you plan on using it extensively or simply occasionally, there are always occasions when you're carrying your baby, right?

Thanks to Laura at Heavenly Homemakers for a fun Spring Giveaway!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Yay! Thank you so much Amanda. I am very excited!!! Yippe Skippee! This is my first giveaway I have ever won. I will email you with my info!